Laughing Again

Created by Sarah Knapp

Written by Sarah Knapp

Directed by Sarah Knapp

Co-Produced by Sarah Knapp

Post-traumatic growth is the idea that from trauma, from terrible, unspeakable things, growth can emerge. Not always but sometimes. From trauma we forge who we are. That process of forging and the result of who we are affects everyone around us. And once in a while, the result is just enough to get us laughing again…

In this short film, Helen is deep in the midst of grief over a miscarriage. A pain many, including her wife, her mother-in-law, and her sister-in-law, know all too well. The miscarriage affects each of them in different ways and the process of grieving communally results in disagreements, heartaches, more loss, and eventually, possibly, growth.

But Laughing Again isn’t just about grief. It’s about coming apart, in the worst possible way, and then figuring out, step by step, piece by piece, how to put yourself back together again. With help. Because we all need help.

Trailer. Film currently in festivals.

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